Welcome to the Disabled Vets Fish Outing Page
Port Washington, WI
Welcome to the Disabled Vets Fish Outing Page
Port Washington, WI
Port Washington, WI
Port Washington, WI
In 2024 we had our 51st annual outing and Mother Nature was very good to us. We were able to go out on the water and have a beautiful day of fishing. We took 77 veterans out fishing, where they caught a total of 60 fish with the weight of 417 pounds!
The fish were taken to Schwarz Fish Company, here in Sheboygan, WI where they smoked the 417 pounds of fish. The fish was then taken to the VA hospital for the veterans to enjoy! We also donated some of the smoked fish to our local Food Pantries.
The committee is forever grateful to everyone for their past support and ask for your continued support as we continue to navigate through COVID-19. As always our primary concern is for the safety of our vets that attend our outings and we have to do what keeps them safe.
There's much to see here. So please, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
Our mission is to give the vets that attend the event, an AMAZING day of fishing, a fish boil, a cook out, entertainment, and mingling with other veterans.
We just want to give a little "Thank You" to some of the people that have sacrificed so much for us.
Tom McQuaid, Lou Krecklow, Wayne Horman and many others started this event by taking 2 disabled vets in wheelchairs out on charter fishing boats. This was 51 years ago. We continue to put on this event in their honor every year.
This event has continued to grow with each passing year. We now have 50 or more boats that, take out 100+ v
Tom McQuaid, Lou Krecklow, Wayne Horman and many others started this event by taking 2 disabled vets in wheelchairs out on charter fishing boats. This was 51 years ago. We continue to put on this event in their honor every year.
This event has continued to grow with each passing year. We now have 50 or more boats that, take out 100+ veterans; some wheelchair bound and some ambulatory, out on fishing charter boats, to enjoy a day of fishing. There is an award ceremony for the biggest fish caught in each category, a fish boil and a cook out, and always a veteran band playing for entertainment.
For some of the vets this is the only time they get to get out of the VA Hospital all year. To see the smile on their face makes it all worth it!
This event is put on every year, to Thank our Veterans for everything they have done for us.
"ALL gave SOME, SOME gave ALL"
This event could not go on with out our AMAZING volunteers, and our Committee that works hard all year to make sure this event goes on without a hitch.
We here at the Disabled Veterans Fish Outing are a 501c3 Organization. In 2019, we were accepting donations for a new trailer.
Thanks to all of the help, we were able to purchase the trailer!!
This year from the donations we were also able to add the name of the event and our logo to the trailer so that it is known that this is the trailer for the Disabled Vets Fish Outing.
This trailer will continue to house and transport everything needed for our committee members to be able to put on the Disabled Vets Fish Outing.
This was an important purchase for the outing, as we did not have our storage space in the American Legion anymore as it is now the Inventors BrewPub.
You can send donations to:
D.V.F.O C/O Vicki Gahan
PO Box 26
Port Washington, WI 53074
We appreciate each and every donation. We would not be able to put on this outing if it was not for our AMAZING supporters.
The Committee is forever grateful for all of the support and would like to thank everyone that volunteers their time for all of the veterans outings. We would never be able to put on these events and be able to have them run so smoothly without all of your hard work! We appreciate you all so very much!
HUGE THANK YOU, to ALL of the Charter Boat Captains that volunteer their time and boats to make this event possible each and every year, we really could not do this without you. Even though we could not go out on the water this year we appreciate each and every one of you for your pledge of donation of your time and of your boats!
Few Statistics of the past outings
A few statistics for the 2023 outing. We had a total of 38 boats that participated this year and were able to take 56 veterans out on the water, where they caught a total of 87 fish for a total weight of approximately 568 pounds!
Due to COVID-19 in 2022, we were unable to have an actual fish outing on the water. We did have a social distanced small picnic type gathering on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022. We had a beautiful day with amazing company. We were able to walk around by the lake, play B-I-N-G-O, corn hole, chess and of course gave out some prizes. We had a cookout, fish boil and who could forget the desserts.
Any donations can be sent to our treasurer, all year round.
Vicki Gahan
P.O. Box 26
Port Washington, WI 53074
Feel free to contact our Committee Members:
Mary Schuknecht - Chairperson: 920.918.9144
Vicki Gahan - Treasurer: 262.483.7483
Danielle Antoine - Website Creator: 414.306.4058
or email us at:
435 Lake Street, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074, United States’s
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.